ESG Integration

ESG Integration is becoming the new norm as investors look to improve returns, lower investment risk, while meeting evolving client demands, and regulatory requirements.

What We Offer

ESG factors are key risks and opportunities that drive the long-term performance and competitiveness of corporations. Research is continuously showing that corporations that actively manage their ESG factors are positioned to enhance their operational performance while simultaneously lowering their risk parameters as well as cost of capital, and as a result generating sustainable long-term value.

It is therefore crucial for investors to analyse material ESG factors related to their investments to mitigate against emerging risks and also to identify potential opportunities. In addition, it allows for efficient capital allocation, which takes into account external costs (e.g. polluting or labour violation activities) that negatively impact asset values over time, (such externalities will in due course be internalized).

Through our deep understanding of the corporate & investment world, as well as specifically the ESG integration space, we are uniquely positioned to offer expert advice on ESG integration with the aim of promoting ESG awareness, improving investment decisions, and therefore driving sustainable long-term value.

Sustainability & Integrated Reporting

Communicating non-financial performance with an emphasis on ESG metrics increases a corporation’s resilience and ability to plan for the future.